Art Education: A Bridge for Children

December 19, 2022
Today was the first lesson of BeFriend. It was quite a tough meeting with the year 4 students at Daniel School, but we did manage to produce excellent artworks during our session. We paired the students up, and let them draw faces of each other. For our students who lack facial recognition skills, face drawing activities are very helpful in increasing social communication skills.

December 21, 2022
Through the snow our second lesson led by BeFriend finished off successfully. With year 4 students in class 2, we carried out the same curriculum we did a few days ago with class 1. Well done for everyone who participated.

December 26, 2022
We finished off last week’s work with class 1 students today. Another successful lesson, all students participated in framing their portraits by attaching paper pieces onto the films, and decorating it with fancy stickers. Sadly, today was the last session with class 1. We are looking forward to carrying out new activities with class 2 from Wednesday!

December 28, 2022
With class 2, we decorated and framed the artworks that students made last week. New students who couldn’t join last lesson quickly started drawing their portraits today and finished decorating just in time. Well done everyone :)

January 2, 2023
Today was our last lesson this break with class 2. Celebrating the year of the rabbit, we created a clay model of a rabbit using beans to make its face. Although 4 students were absent, we managed to create excellent artworks.

July 7, 2023
We are back again for our summer programme! Today was our first class with the elementary school students. The session started with exploring different colors of clay, by playing with the clay and mixing different colors of those. On a large piece of paper, each student made flowers and objects that relate to the images of flowers. Our first activity associated with flowers succeeded.

July 12, 2023
In our first class with middle and high school students, we repeated our first activity of creating objects related to flowers. Some students were not restricted to the flower itself, but rather they focused on the image of the flower; they made and drew rivers, trees, grass, and even flamingos. Also, one student made a lotus in 3D, which resulted in a unique piece of work. We will move on to a new activity next session.

July 14, 2023
With our elementary school students, we moved on to a new activity using color papers, while continuing our general theme ‘flower’. We first taught the students how to fold different flowers. Then, the students started to fold flowers that they wanted to actualise. Today was another successful session, resulting in paper flowers of different colors and sizes.

July 19, 2023
Our second session with middle and high school students also started with teaching how to fold different flowers. Then, students had time to explore with the color papers. Continuing from our last session, students today made many different creative flowers and even a tree with a raven.

July 21, 2023
During today’s lesson, elementary school students all started decorating the vase under their flower arrangements. They used various materials: some used coloured paper to make a mosaic vase, and others used crayons to make their own unique patterns. We also cut l the vase out in a 3-dimensional shape. A way to truly showcase their creativity and artistic skills!

July 26, 2023
The team finished off their vase pieces after attaching all the flowers they folded and even used colour pencils to decorate. Well done everyone!

July 28, 2023
It is finally week 4, and we only have a few lessons left for this summer. Elementary school students started a new piece— a mosaic of flowers. They tore Han-Ji, a Korean traditional type of paper, and attached it to the flower they picked. Everyone had their own unique pieces by the end of the lesson.

August 2, 2023
Middle and high school students did the same activity, and they absolutely nailed it. As this group is more independent than the elementary school students, BeFriend teachers did not have much to help! We think the texture and colour of Han-Ji made the artworks more beautiful.

August 4, 2023
For our last lesson with the elementary school students, we prepared a flower arrangement session. Sadly, we couldn’t use actual flowers, as they would wilt over time. Everyone still enjoyed arranging artificial flowers in paper cups. We are grateful for everyone eagerly participating in our lessons for the past 5 weeks.

August 9, 2023
Middle and high school students also enjoyed the flower arrangement session we prepared as our last lesson of the term. This pretty much wraps our lessons up during the summer. However, we will be returning to Daniel School this winter with new curriculums— stay tuned for updates!